An update from Jill

I would like to take this opportunity to say how much we are looking forward to welcoming you back to our restaurants, hotels, shops and cookery school once lockdown is over.
While you have been away and with our restaurants firmly closed, we are planning and preparing for a busy year with staycations in Cornwall high on the agenda. Especially as the county has been put on the map this winter with so many tv programmes which have shown Cornwall in a beautiful light. Firstly, of course, Rick’s Cornwall has been very popular, Julia Bradbury’s Cornwall and Devon Walks, This Fishing Life and on Channel 4, Devon and Cornwall. With all this positive PR I am sure we are going to have a bumper summer.
I’m proud to sit on the board of Visit Cornwall and the recent news from Boris Johnson that various locations in Cornwall will play host to the G7 Summit this summer will further open it up to a much wider audience overseas.
Lots of my spare time during lockdown is spent walking with Bocca my cocker spaniel who is great company and loves a good walk. I either walk him along the Camel Trail or down the coast path to St Georges Well and to the mouth of the river. It helps my mental health and I always feel so much better after.
Finally, I would like to highlight my article in Good Housekeeping, written by the very lovely Janet Harmer. It’s out now in the March issue and helps you understand a bit more about me and the business.
Thanks for reading.