Gender pay gap data
As one of our two companies reported gender pay gap data for 5th April 2021 snapshot date (due to headcount criteria), please find below summary data for Seafood Trading Ltd, along with further details of the combined position for both companies:
Mean gender pay gap | 5.2% |
Median gender pay gap | 2.2% |
Mean bonus pay gap | -8.8% |
Median bonus pay gap | -66.6% |
A positive percentage indicates that men receive a higher rate than women
Male | Female | |
Receiving a bonus | 7.2% | 5.8% |
Lower quartile | 41.3% | 58.7% |
Lower-middle quartile | 60.9% | 31.1% |
Upper-middle quartile | 54.4% | 45.6% |
Upper quartile | 60.4% | 39.6% |
Based upon combined data for Seafood Trading Ltd and Stein’s Trading Ltd from the snapshot date of 5th April 2021:
Mean gender pay gap | 6.6% |
Median gender pay gap | 2.17% |
Mean bonus pay gap | 35.6% |
Median bonus pay gap | 0% |
A positive percentage indicates that men receive a higher rate than women
Male | Female | |
Percentage male/female representation | 53.1% | 46.9% |
Receiving a bonus | 7.8% | 3.8% |
Lower quartile | 44.9% | 55.1% |
Lower-middle quartile | 44.2% | 55.8% |
Upper-middle quartile | 59% | 41% |
Upper quartile | 64.7% | 35.3% |
Each quartile is based on hourly pay rates ordered from lowest to highest, the list is then divided into four equal groups
I am confident that data and information reported is accurate as of the snapshot date of 5th April 2021 and has been calculated in line with the requirements of The Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Information) Regulations 2017.
Ian Fitzgerald
Managing Director
October 2021