Padstow to Rock Charity swim makes 54k for Marie Curie

We are proud sponsors of the Padstow to Rock Charity swim, donating hundreds of pasties for the event, so were delighted to hear that this year over £54,000 has been raised for Marie Curie Nursing Service.
Peter Tamblin, the Chairman and Co-ordinator of the Padstow to Rock swim commented “ it’s fantastic, unbelievable , amazing, and a huge thank you to everyone involved”. A record total of £54,541 pounds was raised, all of which will go directly to Marie Curie Cancer Care in Cornwall.
Peter went on to say that this was a real team effort, centred on a tireless committee who work throughout the year to ensure the swim runs smoothly. The committee is helped by literally dozens of volunteers and other organisations who give both their time and support.
The real heroes of course. are the Swimmers, both in taking up the challenge of the swim, and in raising huge amounts of money through personal sponsorship.
The date for the 2015 Swim is July 12th on the mid afternoon tide, and registration to participate will open on February 3rd 2015 at midday.
To find out more please visit their website.