Jack’s Hacks #8: How to make tempura fish wings

Fish wings? We hear you say. Not something you often see on restaurant menus, but when prepared and cooked correctly they eat very well and support the notion of eating more sustainably by using the whole fish. Jack recommends to use the wings from a bass or bream and fry them in a light, tempura batter before dunking into chilli sauce.
Watch Jack make tempura fish wings…
How to make tempura fish wings
8 x fish wings, from a bass or bream
About a litre for vegetable oil for deep frying
For the batter
65g plain flour
65g cornflour
1 tsp salt
1 large egg, whisked
180ml lager
– Start by filleting a whole bass or bream (following our round fish filleting guide here), set the two fillets aside and then, with a sharp, flexible knife, cut around the head to remove the two wings, as shown in Jack’s video above.
– Heat the vegetable oil to 160°C in heavy bottomed pan.
– Put all your batter ingredients in a bowl and lightly mix – don’t worry if it’s a little lumpy. Tempura batter is best made at the last minute so don’t be tempted to make it ahead of time.
– Dunk the fish wings into the batter and fry until golden.
– Serve with your favourite chilli sauce and a cold beer or two.
Stein’s Online Fishmongers
We deliver a wide range of sustainably caught fresh fish and shellfish, straight to your door around the country. Choose from fish boxes, fillets, whole fish, shellfish, smoked fish and ready to eat products too.