Jack’s Hacks #1: A fish probe will change your life

Jack Stein’s ultimate cookery hack takes all the guess work out of cooking and will give you the confidence to enjoy a wider range of recipes at home. A fish/meat probe really is worth adding to your kitchen utensil drawer – all our chefs use them to check every fillet of cod, tronçon of turbot or fillet steak before they leave the kitchen.
Watch Jack’s video below to discover more about using a probe, which are available from our online shop here.
How to use a fish/meat probe?
When probing, simply insert the probe into the thickest part of the meat or fish and allow the reading to stabilise to ensure all areas of the protein are cooked through.
For fish off the bone (fillets), you want to aim for an internal temperate of around 50°C and for steak, 55°C is rare, 60°C medium and 70°C+ for well done.
Keep an eye out for more cookery hack’s from Jack Stein soon and discover recipes galore to try at home here.
Stein’s Online Fishmongers
We deliver a wide range of sustainably caught fresh fish and shellfish, straight to your door around the country. Choose from fish boxes, fillets, whole fish, shellfish, smoked fish and ready to eat products too.