Jack’s Hacks #5: How to make shellfish oil

Prawns are one of the most popular shellfish to buy from supermarkets and to order from our restaurant menus – delicious, healthy and versatile, but also expensive. Follow this simple hack from Jack Stein to help you get the most of your prawns when you’re cooking at home.
Jack recommends to always keep prawn heads and shells (the same goes for lobster and crab) if you’re making a curry or a similar recipe that calls for them to be de-shelled. The heads are full of flavour and when heated gently in a pan of oil create the most wonderful shellfish oil to pour over pasta, risotto, scrambled eggs or even soup to add a rich shellfish flavour.
How to make shellfish oil
1 – Add your saved prawn heads to a small pan and cover with vegetable oil.
2 – Simmer on a medium heat for five minutes.
3 – Pass your oil through a sieve to remove the heads and any pieces of shell.
4 – Liberally drizzle over pasta, risotto or any number of other dishes to boost the flavour.
Stein’s Online Fishmongers
We deliver a wide range of sustainably caught fresh fish and shellfish, straight to your door around the country. Choose from fish boxes, fillets, whole fish, shellfish, smoked fish and ready to eat products too.