Pancakes with Mark Puckey

Pancake Day falls on the 17th February this year. For those that are confident in the kitchen, you will be revelling in the chance to show off your cooking skills – but for those who never seem to get the right batter consistency, flip a pancake successfully or master the perfect thickness of pancake, we have put together 5 top tips from our head chef lecturer at Padstow Seafood School, Mark Puckey, to help your Pancake Day run smoothly.
1. Don’t worry about the first pancake. They never turn out well – write it off and don’t try to save it – the next one will be perfect.
2. Keep your pancakes thin – avoid the temptation of putting in too much batter and they will be easier to cook and flip.
3. Ladle your batter into the corner of the pan and then coat the pan with a thin layer of batter by tilting the pan slowly around. This will make sure your pancake is nice and even.
4. A great way to remove your pancakes from the pan is by using a palette knife – you can also use this to aid with flipping.
5. My top tip is to make your pancakes in advance, so you can sit down and enjoy them with your family and friends and all the different toppings together. You can do this by placing greaseproof paper between each pancake and wrapping in tin foil. They’ll keep warm until you’ve finished cooking up enough for everyone to enjoy together.
So there you have it! Everything you need to know about pancakes. We’d love to see how you get on with yours so tweet your pancake pictures to @PWSeafoodSchool .