Rick wins Fortnum’s Special Award

We’re very pleased to share Rick received the Fortnum’s Special Award at last night’s annual Fortnum and Mason Food and Drink awards.
A lifetime achievement award that honours the impact his over 30 years in TV and more than 20 cookery books, which date back to 1988 when English Seafood Cookery was published, have had on the world of food and hospitality in our country and beyond.
The award was presented by three of his chums from the industry – Angela Hartnett, Tom Parker-Bowles and Andi Oliver.

Other award winners
– Personalities of the Year: Si King and Dave Myers, The Hairy Bikers
– Food Book: Invitation to a Banquet: The Story of Chinese Food by Fuchsia Dunlop
– Debut Food Book: Ultra-Processed People by Chris van Tulleken
– Cookery Book: Everyday Japanese Cooking: Memories and stories from my family’s kitchen by Emiko Davies
– Debut Cookery Book: A New Way to Bake: Re-imagined Recipes for Plant-based Cakes, Bakes and Desserts by Philip Khoury
– Drink Book: Vines in a Cold Climate by Henry Jeffreys
– Debut Drink Book: How to Drink Australian by Jane Lopes & Jonathan Ross
– Cookery Writer: Melek Erdal for work in Vittles & The Guardian
– Food writer: Ajesh Patalay for work in the Financial Times
– Drink Writer: Tamlyn Currin for work on jancisrobinson.com
– Restaurant Writer: Tim Hayward for work in the FT Weekend Magazine
– Programme: Sophie Grigson – Slice of Italy S2
– Audio: The Food Programme, Presenter: Sheila Dillon, Producer: Natalie Donovan
– Content Creator: George Egg AKA The Snack Hacker
– Photographer: Patricia Niven