An Update from Charlie Stein

The advent of the New Year heralds my favourite week in the wine tasting calendar: the unveiling of new vintage 2022 Burgundies. The wine trade adorns their red trousers, preps their spittoons, ready to swirl and spit their way through hundreds of wines in fabulous old buildings across London. After a tough couple of years for vignerons and wine buyers alike, it’s great to taste such a charming vintage and my favourite of the past ten years. The real bonus is there’s oceans of it this year. My standout choice from this vintage is David Moret’s Rully, a knock out wine which is soon to grace our wine lists once again.
In May (22nd) I’m running my first cookery school course with Head Chef Lecturer Nick to showcase some dinner party dishes and perfect wine pairings, including the aforementioned Rully and lobster as well as many more classic pairings.
Jack and I have pan and glass in hand ready to plan our wine dinner series that is back later in the year. Keep an eye out for dates and menus soon – we’d love to welcome you along to an event.
We are also starting to plan our big celebration for our BIG birthday at The Seafood Restaurant next year so lots of interesting ideas for parties, books and booze tie-ins.
Cheers to another year of great food and even better wine.