Jill Stein’s perfect Mother’s Day

With Mothering Sunday on the horizon (Sunday 30th March for anyone who needs a little reminder), we caught up with our fabulous boss and mother of three – Jill Stein to ask what her perfect Mother’s Day would entail:
“It would be a fantastic family weekend. My sons Jack, Charles & Edward along with Edward’s wife Kate and my grandson Hugh would join me on Saturday evening. I would cook crab linguine for them, which is a firm, family favourite and we’d spend the evening catching up on everybody’s news and enjoying a few glasses of good wine.
On the morning of Mother’s Day, we would all walk from my home in Trevone to Padstow passing by the cove at St George’s Well if the tide is out on the Camel Estuary. We’d stop off at our café for coffee and cake and read the Sunday morning papers then we’d walk back to Trevone cutting across Stepper Point at Lelizzick.
I would take the boys and Kate to The Cornish Arms because they love a roast dinner at the pub. We’d celebrate with a glass or two of Camel Valley sparkling rose. Salute!
After such a busy weekend I’d head home, light one of my ‘Padstow’ candles and curl up with a good book, bliss.”
Jill agrees that the mark of a good Mother’s Day gift is something you’d want to receive yourself and her Padstow candles certainly have a ‘mother’s seal of approval’.
“My candles are a real statement piece and when they’ve burnt out I drill small holes in the bottom of the tin so that they can be used as herb pot.”
Order Jill’s Five Padstow candle gift set by Thursday 27th March to receive them in time for Mother’s Day.